So, I Married a Foodie

I was never much into food. I ate it, it tasted good, I didn't think about it again until it was time for my next meal. Until I met my hubby.... the Foodie!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Goat Cheese

I am a total geek when it comes to themed meals. For example; on Fat Tuesday I made Jambalya. If there is a holiday that has food incorporated into it, I am all over it.

So, for the Oscars, I decided to make Oscar type foods. OSCAR Meyer wieners, BrokeBack Mountain Dew and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups... then my mind drew a blank. When I couldn't come up with anything else I just decided to make my favorite dips.

I made a fantastic dippy thing with Goat Cheese. It was heavenly! Goat cheese in the bottom of a casserole dish... marinara sauce poured on top... throw it into the microwave and VIOLA! A delicious dip. Eat it with some soft French bread. Yumm!