So, I Married a Foodie

I was never much into food. I ate it, it tasted good, I didn't think about it again until it was time for my next meal. Until I met my hubby.... the Foodie!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Bread Bowl

Yesterday was Tuesday, my self-proclaimed "No Cooking" day. The hubby had to work late and the oldest kid had Culinary School... so, the middle and the youngest and I were on our own.

I wanted Panera Bread, middle wanted*gag* McDonalds and little doesn't care what he eats, so he was open to anything.

I went to Panera and got a half sandwich and a "Bread Bowl" of soup. I got my order to go so I could get middle her Micky-D's. Little had "real" food at home. Real food that included something from each of the 6 (?) food groups.

When we got home, I sat at the table, overly excited about my Bread Soup Bowl... I pulled the center out of the pre-cut bowl, emptied out some extra bread, and poured my soup into the hole. I was WAY excited to see that there was going to be extra soup... until I started eating. That's when I realized the worst of my fears... there was more bowl than soup. As much as I tried, there was always going to be more bowl than soup.

It really ruined it for me. I will never be the same.


  • At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't you think it might be time for a new post??? April??? PULEEZE!

    Anyways... come visit my blog again sometime.

    Love ya!


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